"She Votes", Centennial Book
Finally, the "She Votes" book is completed! Sixty Nine Artist and one hundred and thirteen original artworks by members of Women's Caucus for Art. The artworks reflect members thoughts on this Centennial of the 19th Amendment.
I am overjoyed for everyone who participated in this project. The book has its first
exhibit in October 2020 at Embed Gallery in the "Common Ground" exhbit, we are overjoyed now for the public to witness this historical book.
On October 28 a interview by Art and Cake a online magazine on October 28th here is the link to the interview. https://artandcakela.com/2020/10/26/she-votes-at-embed-gallery/
If your organization would also like to have the "She Votes" book on exhibit please contact me at bjs8934@gmail.com Please click on the She Votes image to watch the full video of the book.